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Webinar Information 


Classcraft Office Hours Link



1:00-2:00 PM


Meeting ID: 398 241 6606


Click on the Icon for zoom link


----- Newest Recorings -----

> Getting Started with Classcraft!

Thursday, December 17 at 10 AM

> Next Steps in Using Classcraft!

Thursday, December 17 at 1 PM

Webinar Recordings


Introduction Webinar


This is the recording from the series of webinars we did at the beginning of August, following the PLC


Google Classroom Training 


This Training covers using google classroom with your Classcraft account. 


Quest Training


This is the basics of setting up your account, getting it ready to play, and importing your first Epic Essentials quests.


Oct. 6 PLC Presentation


This presentation shows the most basic ways to use Classcraft to assign school work to your students as well as gives an overview of resources that have been built for your use.

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