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Here you will find our Holiday Quests.  These are created to be just for your students' enjoyment!  Suggested grade levels for usage are listed.

Holiday Quests

> Cinco de Mayo Activities (Elem./MS)

> History of Cinco de Mayo (MS/HS)


> Mother's Day Activities (Elem./MS)

> History of Mother's Day (MS/HS)


> Memorial Day Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> Memorial Day Quest #2  (MS/HS)


> Easter  Activities (Elem./MS)

> History of Easter (MS/HS)


> St. Patrick's Day Activities (Elem./MS)

> History of St. Patrick's Day (MS/HS)


> Valentine's Day Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> Valentine's Day Quest #2  (MS/HS)


> President's Day Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> President's Day Quest #2  (MS/HS)


> Black History Month Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> Black History Month Quest #2  (MS/HS)


> Martin Luther King Jr. Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> Martin Luther King Jr. Quest #2  (MS/HS)


> 12 Days of Christmas Quest  (Elem./MS)

> The Night Before Christmas Quest  (Elem./MS)

> Christmas Recipes Quest  (All Ages)

> History of Christmas Quest  (MS/HS)

> Hanukkah Quest  (All Ages)

> Kwanzaa Quest  (All Ages)


> Thanksgiving Games Quest  (Elem./MS)

> Thanksgiving Recipes Quest  (All Ages)

> History of Thanksgiving Quest  (MS/HS)


> Halloween Quest #1  (Elem./MS)

> Halloween Quest #2  (Elem./MS)

> History of Halloween Quest (MS/HS)


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