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Physical Science

The Physical science quest take the student through the Warrior Tower. To their surprise, the tower is overtaken with corruption, Haden must find a way to end the corruption, but she cannot do it without help from the others. Will she be able to do it?


The quests are listed in order of the story. They are designed for standard mastery so each quest covers different topics under each standard. To follow the story, the quests must be completed in order.


PS.PS1.1 Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.


PS.PS1.2 Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties, and formation of compounds.


PS.PS1.5 Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.


PS.PS1.7 Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.


PS.PS2.1 Analyze and interpret data to support the claim of a causal relationship between the net force on an object and its change in motion, as described in Newton’s second law of motion


PS.PS2.2 Use mathematical representations to support the explanation that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system


PS.PS2.3 Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.*


PS.PS2.5 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current can cause a magnetic field and that a changing magnetic field can cause an electric current.


PS.PS3.1 Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known.


PS.PS3.2 Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as either motions of particles or energy stored in fields


PS.PS3.3 Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.*


PS.PS3.4 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that the transfer of thermal energy when two components of different temperature are combined within a closed system results in a more uniform energy distribution among the components in the system (second law of thermodynamics).


PS.PS4.1 Use mathematical representations to explain both qualitative and quantitative relationships among frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media.


PS.PS4.2 Evaluate questions about the advantages and disadvantages of using a digital transmission and storage of information.*


PS.PS4.4 Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter.

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